Figure 2. The hazard of liver transplantation or death for (A) alkaline phosphatase levels and (B) bilirubin levels at different time points estimated with cubic spline function.
Figure 3. (A) Transplantfree survival of patients with alkaline phosphatase levels 2.0 times the ULN versus >2.0 times the ULN at 1-year follow-up. (B)Transplant-free survival of patients with bilirubin levels 1.0 times the ULN versus >1.0 times the ULN at 1-year follow-up. (C) Transplant-free survival of patients with alkaline phosphatase levels 2.0 times the ULN versus >2.0 times the ULN at 1-year follow-up in both patients with bilirubin levels 1 times the ULN and >1 times the ULN.
在研究入组后1年,碱性磷酸酶的浓度超过正常值上限的2倍这一临界值 在预测患者的预后方面效果最好(C值为0.71),但是与其他的临界值相比没有明显差异。碱性磷酸酶浓度≤正常值上限的2倍的患者中,10年生存率为84%,而碱性磷酸酶浓度>正常值上限的2倍的患者中,10年生存率为62%(P < 0.0001)。
Figure 5. Translation into clinical practice. The association of a surrogate end point, defined as alkaline phosphatase levels less than the threshold and bilirubin levels? less than 1 time the ULN, on 5-year transplant-free survival in different settings.Inclusion (diagnosis after 1990 and UDCA therapy initiated) was made at baseline (upper panels) and after 1 year of UDCA therapy (lower panels). Three high-risk groups were defined as follows: (1) all patients (black lines), (2) bilirubin levels less than 2 times the ULN and either alkaline phosphatase levels >1.67 times the ULN or bilirubin levels >1 time the ULN24 (dark gray lines), and (3) bilirubin levels <3 times the ULN and either alkaline phosphatase levels >2 times the ULN or bilirubin levels >1 time the ULN) (light gray lines). The solid lines represent the patients who reached the surrogate end point, and the dotted lines represent those who did not. The left panels show the proportion of patients reaching the surrogate end point 1 year after inclusion, and the right panels show the corresponding 5-year transplant-free survival.
研究入组1年后,在对患者预后的预测方面,碱性磷酸酶的绝对浓度的预测能力要优于浓度百分比的变化。研究入组后1年,胆红素浓度为正常值上限的1倍在预测患者的无肝移植生存期方面效果最好(C值为0.79)。胆红素浓度≤正常值上限的1倍的患者中,研究入组后10年生存率为86%,而胆红素浓度>正常值上限的1倍的患者中,研究入组后10年生存率为41%(P <0.0001)。将碱性磷酸酶和胆红素浓度相结合可以使患者生存期的预测能力成倍增长。我们确认了研究入组后不同的时间点的碱性磷酸酶和胆红素浓度在多个不同亚组患者(例如未应用熊去氧胆酸进行治疗的患者)中的预测价值。
我是医生 说给你听
肖祥斌 胃肠科主任医师
→ 咨询给胃炎患者的几点意见:胃炎一般分为内痔、外痔和混合痔三种,而内痔又有一、二、三、四度之分,选择治疗方法必须根据患痔类型、轻重程度具体决定。如对症状较轻的一度、二度内痔可以选择药物治疗,而对早期血栓性外痔来说,手术治疗效果要比用药好。
程芳 女性胃肠主任
→ 咨询给胃炎患者的几点意见:注意饮食,忌酒和辛辣刺激食物,增加纤维性食物,多摄入果蔬、多饮水,改变不良的排便习惯,保持大便通畅,必要时服用缓泻剂,便后清洗肛门。对于脱垂型痔,注意用手轻轻托回痔块,阻止再脱出。避免久坐久立,进行适当运动。